Are You a Bad Web Design Client?

Have you burned through multiple creative agencies trying to get an effective website? Are you still not happy with the website you have now? Perhaps the problem has been something you have more control over than you know. That problem could be you.

In this article we are going to help you, as a web design client, learn what makes a bad client and how to avoid these things to get an effective website from your design team.

Bad Web Design Client

What Makes a Bad Web Design Client?

We love and appreciate every single client we get the opportunity to work with. However, every once in awhile we do get that one client that makes us reconsider our relationship with them. If you’re a freelance designer or creative agency, then you most definitely have found yourself in these situations as well. If you’re a client, and you’ve burned through multiple web designers or still don’t have an effective website, then perhaps that bad web design client is you.

Let’s take a look at the characteristics of a bad web design client

  • You expect more design work than what you paid for
  • You think that every web design task should always be turned around in minutes
  • You put in last-minute requests that are always needed ASAP
  • You are extremely vague with design preferences or requested feedback
  • You ask to copy someone else’s web design exactly as is
  • You like to fax photos or copy that you want used in your web design
  • You ask your web designer for help with everything, but web design (eg. how to fix your fax machine)
  • You threaten your designer with taking your project overseas to someone cheaper
  • You go MIA for weeks or months without notice when design feedback is requested
  • You offer a payment that is far less than what you’ve been quoted
  • You try to teach web design best practices to your web designer
  • You completely switch design direction after approving design compositions
  • You treat your web designer like a low skill, replaceable employee

Bad Web Design Clients in Real Life

You’re probably getting the point by now, but just to keep the mood light, we thought we would share a funny video that does a good job of depicting a bad web design client. Give it a watch….we all need a good chuckle every once in awhile.

How to Be a Good Web Design Client…

Don’t get us wrong, more often than not bad web design clients don’t start that way. They become bad clients as a result of their web designer, or their original salesperson, not properly doing their jobs and communicating the right expectations upfront.

To help everyone, clients and designers alike, from avoiding these situations we have created the following checklist to produce positive web design projects.

Before a project starts, clients should always…

  • Request to see the designer’s best work
  • Clearly understand, and agree to, all design costs and prices
  • Read and understand any and all terms and conditions
  • Provide at least 5-10 web designs that you like (make sure to list reasons why too)
  • Provide any and all logos, photos and content that you’d like to see in the designs
  • Schedule a block of time each day or week to work with your designer or project manager

It should be the responsibility of your designer, project manager and/or salesperson to clearly communicate and request all of these things, but it never hurts to be proactive. In doing so you will create a level of excitement with your design team that will encourage them to want to produce their best work for you.

TIP: Prepared, responsive clients lead to motivated, enthusiastic designers. Motivated, enthusiastic designers are more likely to include some design work for free.

…and Get a Great Website

At the end of the it’s on us, as an agency, to properly manage expectations and produce happy clients. So whether you think you’re a good or bad web design client, if you’re still relying on an ineffective, outdated website to grow your business then we want to help. Our team of designers, project mangers and consultants will make sure to help us both avoid anything but a positive, memorable experience.

Let’s start with a FREE, NO OBLIGATION Website Analysis.

Ok, Schedule My Analysis




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