Can I Do SEO Myself?

If you own a website, then you have most likely asked yourself this question at some point, possibly multiple times.

The answer to this common question is this: Yes, you CAN do SEO (search engine optimization) yourself.

However, that does not mean that you should.

What does SEO involve?

Before you decide to tackle optimization of your website on your own make sure you understand what is actually involved. SEO can involve restructuring a site, coding, content creation, marking up content, market research, strategy, link building, and public relations.

What you really need to ask yourself are the following questions:

  • Do you have the time, or the inclination to do search engine optimization?
  • How much is your time worth?
  • Is your time better spent focusing on what you specialize in and not in learning some new and trying to do that as well?

The learning curve, for the beginner, is steep. It’s also time consuming. Make sure you take these things into consideration before you put your day job at risk with trying to master search engine optimization.

What Should You Do Yourself?

There are many aspects you could and should do yourself. Here are some of our tips to get you started:

  • Take a good, solid SEO course to learn the basics
  • Join search engine optimization forums to dialogue with professionals
  • Choose content management software that is SEO friendly, such as WordPress
  • Make content publishing part of your daily routine*
  • Network with vendors and partners for valuable backlinks*

*Search engines love content and links. In most cases, the more pages you publish, the more chances you’ll have to be seen. As for links, you can never have too many as long as they accurately represent the content on your site.

So, before you go wasting hours a day trying to optimize your website yourself or hiring an SEO professional like us make sure you put the necessary time in to learn the fundamentals. A core understanding of search engine optimization will help you make the right decisions for yourself and your business.

As always, if you need help or more resources to get you on your way, then don’t hesitate to ask by calling us at 855-446-3679 or dropping a comment below.

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